
Do Magnets Work in Space?

The fascination of space sparks the imagination, leading to fascinating questions about everyday objects. Will a feather fall just as fast as a hammer on the moon? If you fire a bullet out into space, will it simply go on forever until it collides with some distant planet or star? If you are flying around the Earth on the International Space Station, will magnets still behave in the same fashion that they behave here on Earth?

Space is an amazing place that humans are just beginning to scratch the surface of. There have been countless exciting experiments on things such as water and fire, seemingly simple things here on Earth that behave very curiously when they are in outer space. Many experiments have also been done on magnets, allowing us to debunk many myths and confirm many cool facts about magnets in space.

Do magnets lose their strength in space?

Imagine you are out in space with two magnets in each hand. Would they still attract and repel each other, or would they simply come together like simple pieces of metal? As you brought the magnets closer to each other, you would find that they would snap together just like on Earth. No problems at all. Magnets work perfectly in space. Why is that? Magnets create their own magnetic field that does not need anything to travel through. This means that a magnet would perform the same in a vacuum as it would in regular air. This also means that outer space does not pose any issue to a magnet’s performance. The only thing that could cause a magnet to fail in space would be extreme heat, as magnets often have a temperature maximum of around 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Go beyond this temperature, and the magnets would begin to lose their strength.

Are magnets used in space?

So, if magnets work in space, are they used by astronauts and space equipment? Yes! Magnets play a very important role in spacecraft. In fact, many magnetic tools were used to help get the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon and also to navigate the International Space Station.

Attitude Control:

Magnets are integral to spacecraft for attitude control. Through the use of magnetic torques, they can adjust their orientation without relying on fuel-consuming thrusters, ensuring stable positioning in space.

Magnetic Shielding:

In space, where radiation from the sun and other celestial bodies is prevalent, magnets play a crucial role in shielding sensitive instruments. This protection ensures the functionality and integrity of onboard equipment by redirecting or deflecting harmful charged particles, just like a real shield.


Magnets are essential components in the instrumentation of spacecraft. They contribute to the proper functioning of magnetometers, which are devices that measure the strength and direction of magnetic fields. This information is crucial for scientific experiments and exploration missions in space.


Magnets indeed work in space and maintain their attractive and repulsive properties. Their ability to create a magnetic field without the need for a medium allows them to function seamlessly in the vacuum of outer space. Magnets are not only operational but also play critical roles in space exploration. As humanity delves further into the mysteries of space, magnets prove to be indispensable tools. What other everyday objects do you think could defy our expectations when exposed to the unique conditions beyond our planet?

Jan 31st 2024 daphne

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